Dominik Seibolds iPhone/iPad Products
Average Camera
The Average Camera App automatically takes multiple pictures and calculates the average picture out of these.
Darts Analyzer
Darts Analyzer is an application which computes the optimal point to aim at on the darts-board based on the assumption the errors players are doing are normal distributed.
Sales and Trends Visualizer
Sales and Trends Visualizer is an application for visualization of the daily sales and trends report-files provided by iTunes Connect.
With Bubbling you can mark an area which the app will occlude by creating a colored plane with circular wholes.
VKontakte Social
With VKontakte Social you can enjoy the VKontakte social network with your iPhone.
VKontakte Social for iPad
With VKontakte Social for iPad you can enjoy the VKontakte social network with your iPad.
Hough Transform Camera
Hough Transform Camera is a camera app, which performs hough transforms in real-time.
Acoustic Picture Transmitter
APT lets you send pictures through the speaker and receive through the microphone.
Spectrogram Pro
Spectrogram Pro computes a spectrogram in real-time.
German Music-Charts
German Music-Charts makes the german music-charts history easily accessible.
Facebook Banner Generator
Facebook Banner Generator lets you create banner artwork visible on the top of your facebook profile page.
VKontakte Video
With VKontakte Video you can search and watch videos of the russian social network Vkontakte.
Lightfield Viewer
Lightfield Viewer lets you examine lightfield images taken with plenoptic cameras.
The Recorder
The Recorder is a very easy to use audio-recorder with an infinite timeline-view.
Mosaic Creator
Mosaic Creator lets you create high-quality photo mosaics.
With BlueTunes you can use other iOS devices as loudspeakers.
iPCamera lets you use your iOS device as a high quality network camera.
Fokus Pokus
Fokus Pokus lets you...
SCN lets you distort your pictures in a cool and simple way!